Et concernant la taille de carte :Although any brand of SD or microSD card should work without any problems, Garmin recommends using SanDisk or Kingston brand cards. Most SD and microSD cards work with out any issues however Ultra, High Speed (such as 133x or faster), or SD and microSD cards specifically used for high end or professional electronics might not work.
Modifié le : 08/09/2010
There are several products within the Outdoor and Fitness families that can accept expandable memory cards in SD or microSD format. These cards, for some devices, can be used to store active track-log data, however, all expandable memory devices can utilize the additional memory to store MapSource products.
There are limitations to the size of SD/microSD card used and to the number of detailed mapping segments that can be recognized by a device.
If at the most recent unit software version, these limitations are:
* There is no limitation to the size of SD/microSD card used but the device will only recognize 4GB of detailed mapping
* Each expandable memory device will be able to recognize up to 2,025 detailed mapping segments
If 2,025 detailed mapping segments are loaded to an SD/microSD card but does not reach 4GB worth of data, the unit will not show any more detailed mapping than what is provided by the mapping segments.