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Un topic en forme d'annonce pour que les utagawavététiste se tiennent au courant mutuellement des dernières mises à jour de firmwares et software
Quelque soit la marque ou le modèle :
Un exemple : la version 2.8 des vista, legend et ventureCx sont dispo
Alors bonne mise à jour
Dernière modification par Titof6.9 le 25 sept. 2007, 10:21, modifié 1 fois.
Dakota 20 embarqué sur X Control 2005
Un Forerunner 405 pour la CO et la CAP
Je sais pas si ca change réellement quelque chose, mais bon... autant la faire
Voilà ce que ca change :
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
Fix potential shutdown when searching UK extended postal codes.
Ensure that all UK extended postal code search results are shown.
Enable the Quit button function on the geocache compass page.
Change number of lines of text in the address field on map feature review page from 4 to 6.
Improve robustness when recovering from a partial map load.
Added better compatibility with Mac computers in USB mass storage mode.
Improved pedestrian route calculation for shortest distance method.
Added ability to recalculate a direct goto route.
Fix issue where MPC maps could potentially cause a shutdown.
Address issue where nearest points search would skip some points.
Changed datum used in the SWEREF 99TM grid to GRS80.
Changed datum used in the Estonian grid to GRS80.
Correct the Swiss grid calculation.
Fix potential shutdown when using TOPO West 1999.
Fix potential shutdown on track setup for data card when track log files have long file names.
Corrected French translation for 'Log track points'.
Improved promptness of the turn review page.
Fix potential shutdown when propagating in a cul-de-sac across a map boundary.
Added more time zones.
Add A905/D900 unlock code communication protocol.
Make route recalculation on MPC maps behave like City Navigator maps.
Remove lithium ion as a battery choice
Dakota 20 embarqué sur X Control 2005
Un Forerunner 405 pour la CO et la CAP